The Mechawhales:
The origin of their intelligence and psychic powers is a closely guarded secret among the whales. When they revealed their abilities first to humankind they only did because earth was close to dying from humanities war and plundering of the planets resources.
The whales believed in the balance of nature and that any being, even humans can achieve that balance. With a bombardment of psychic messages they showed the humans the error of their ways and how they could live in balance with nature without loosing their technological advances. They guided humanity in a new age of peaceful space explorations.
But their believe in the balance of the universe was shattered, when they encountered a race of aliens so hell bent on plundering the universe even the whales could not show them the way of balance. Reluctantly they had to admit that the only way to deal with these invaders was war.
But it still took a terrible toll on the whales psyche. Whales are not strangers to hunting and aggressions but the utter destruction and unbalance war bring to a planet is something they abhor. Having to participate in such senseless destruction drives most whales so depressive after a while that they have to quit fighting.
Once a whale has reached this state of mind he can no longer live among his brother whales since his dark thoughts might get picked up by them and start to affect them as well. Therefore if a Mechawhale is unable to fight anymore he is brought to a special planet for war veterans to live out his remaining days in relative peace of mind among whales with similar experience.

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The Alien Invaders:
Not much is known about the aliens that have invaded the worlds of the whale-human alliance. Scientists have discovered from recovered dead alien soldiers that they have evolved not from one but two species. One was a ruthless parasite organism, the other one a powerful predator. A freak accident by nature fused those two creatures together to create the ultimate marauder.
After completely robbing their own planet of every available resource the aliens expanded through the galaxy ruthlessly stripping every civilization they met of their technological and natural resources. Those races they could not use as slaves were simply devoured. The Whale-Human Alliance is the first real resistance they have encountered in centuries. They are known to say that the Mechawhales are as bad as their “ancient enemy” but it is unknown what they mean by that.
The victories of the Mechawhales have even inspired some of the enslaved races to rebel against their alien masters although only a handful have gotten away and now seek asylum in the territories of the Whale-Human Alliance. But the aliens are far from being defeated. They put out new schemes and weapons to destroy the Mechawhales every day.

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The Humans:
For a very long time humans were a parasitical race that plundered its planet’s resources and almost destroyed itself through war. Only when the whales showed them how to live in balance with nature humanity was finally able to rise to its true potential.
In return mankind’s sense for adventure and discovery made the phlegmatic whales more interested in exploring their universe. Together the two races formed the ideal symbiosis with the wise whales taming humanities ambitions when necessary and the humans prompting the whales to become more explorative. But after centuries of peaceful exploration war once again caught up with mankind when they encountered the alien marauders.
At first they tried to fight the aliens on their own. But they soon learned that they had no chance. The humans were weaker and slower as the aliens and their weapons technology had not advanced in centuries. They had no chance but to drag the whales into the war as well since their psychic powers had proven to be the only thing to weaken the alien’s fighting abilities.
They know what toll the battle takes on the psyche of their whale brothers so mankind does everything to ease their burden. They try to do the most dirty fighting themselves whenever possible and are quick to repair any damage a world has taken once they are in control of it again.

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Graphics, Characters, Story, Animation and Character Designs are ©2011 Hauke Scheer

Alien HenchmanAlien TrooperAlien Flight PodAlien Emperor SuitAllien Elite SuitAlien Battle SuitHuman TroopersCyborg TroopersHuman Exosuit MK IHuman Exosuit MK IIScout WhalesCommando WhalesTactical WhalesInfantry WhalesTank WhaleLATESTPREVIOUSARCHIVENEXTFIRSTLEGAL/ IMPRESSUMMERCHANDISEDOWNLOADCHARACTERSABOUTHOME